About my work
Collection Zero
Zero collection is made up of prints, knits and weaves.
The Hand Screen prints cover three different themes.



Niagara Falls
The knitted pieces were based on colours from mood board ‘Culture Clash’, following visits to Singapore, Malaysia, Toronto and Niagara Falls.
There are combined images of the three cities on some prints and the woven pieces are based on architectural shapes.
Collection One
Based on Mary Seacole a heroine from the Crimean War.
Coming from the Caribbean she looked after soldiers in the Crimea.
The 19th century ambulance, the surgical tools used to form the letters in the Medici print and the exotic flowers were used to represent where she came from and who and what she was.
The weaves are mainly based on her image, some being embellished with Swarovski stones along with embroidered flowers to add a quirky touch.

Collection Two
The Gecko and Mayfly were inspired by photographs taken on a visit to the Botanical Gardens in Jamaica and the flowers are based on fauna found there, as a continuance of the previous theme and floral collection.
I visited the Caribbean for a family funeral in the same year as the work was produced and used the occasion to capture floral images and the Mayfly in the Botanical gardens in Kingston, Jamaica.
The gecko had been sitting on my uncle’s wall and I managed to capture him before he scurried away.

Collection Three
The third collection is based on nature shots taken in Derbyshire and Yorkshire, depicted in various colours.
Some pieces capture the sunset and others combine images.

Derbyshire Dales

Yorkshire Dales
Collection Four
This collection concentrate on a small part of the previous collection.
Trees became the central focus of this collection.
I decided to concentrate on the silver birch as my canvas, and following a trip to Berlin and Paris noted how much graffiti was displayed in and around the city (especially on shop fronts) and decided to superimpose graffiti and leaves alternatively in the imagery thereby marrying rural and urban visuals.

Berlin Wall

Central Paris
This is a collection of wallpapers designed to complement some of the fabrics which have been created.
The inspiration for them are based on similar images which the collections have been created from.
The wallpapers do not have to contain the same features as the fabrics, one can simplify the pattern whilst still complementing them.
The designs can be toned down or up as required by the client.
This woven tapestry collection is based on armoury from medieval times.
The pieces are made up of bin liners, supermarket bags, wool, linen and other mixed fibres.
Fringing represent the fringing on the rugs placed on the horses.
(Images not available at present.)